Adam Rowe
Lead Designer
Product Writing Guidelines are now on the MDS Documentation Site
August 11, 2020—As communication designers we know that the language we choose, and the style of our writing, is just as important as the visual patterns and interactions we design. That’s why we’re so excited to move the product writing guidelines to the MDS doc site.
We hope that by bringing content and visual documentation closer together we can…
Because content is contextual, we’ve organized the writing guidelines by use case or event rather than the MDS element/component:
The product writing guidelines are a constant work in progress—just like our software and every one of us (aww!). As the needs of our clients change and the technology to serve them advances, our language will have to evolve right alongside.
If there is guidance you need but not in here, ask! We will work with you to define new standards that the whole company can adopt. Of course, we’ll communicate any changes or additions. And, when it’s appropriate, we’ll use the MDS Request for Comment period so that designers, product managers, marketers, and any other interested party can be involved in decision making.
Our self-service wiki hosts tools and exercises to help you create narrative-driven product experiences.