
Switches afford a choice between one of two opposing states or options.


With Label

<div class="mds-switch">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--41228">
        <input id="--41228" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>
Disabled, Off
Disabled, On
<div class="mds-switch mds-switch--disabled">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--95272">
        <input id="--95272" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input" disabled>
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>
Do use for a choice that elicits an immediate change in the UI, like enabling a disabled field.
Do use for a choice that elicits an immediate change in the UI, like enabling a disabled field.
Don‘t use a <a class="mds-link" href="/components/forms.html#checkbox">Checkbox</a>.
Don‘t use a Checkbox.
Do use for a choice that elicits a change in background functionality without affecting the UI, like disabling an email notification.
Do use for a choice that elicits a change in background functionality without affecting the UI, like disabling an email notification.
Don‘t use a <a class="mds-link" href="/components/forms.html#checkbox">Checkbox</a>.
Don‘t use a Checkbox.
Do use for turning an option on and off, such as a data formatting rule.
Do use for turning an option on and off, such as a data formatting rule.
Don‘t use a <a class="mds-link" href="/components/forms.html#checkbox">Checkbox</a>.
Don‘t use a Checkbox.

Without Label

Use when the purpose of a switch is clearly implied by its proximity to other content and controls.

Without Label
Without Label, Hover
Without Label, Active
Without Label, Focus
Without Label, On
<div class="mds-switch mds-switch--hide-label">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--2748">
        <input id="--2748" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>
Without Label, Disabled, Off
Without Label, Disabled, On
<div class="mds-switch mds-switch--disabled mds-switch--hide-label">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--12477">
        <input id="--12477" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input" disabled>
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>

Switch Group

Client Configuration Options
<fieldset class="mds-switch__group" role="group">
    <legend class="mds-switch__group-label"> Client Configuration Options </legend>
    <div class="mds-switch">
        <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--83067">
            <input id="--83067" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
            <span class="mds-switch__text"> Display Overview/Investment </span>
    <div class="mds-switch">
        <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--10547">
            <input id="--10547" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
            <span class="mds-switch__text"> Display Account Details </span>
    <div class="mds-switch">
        <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--32280">
            <input id="--32280" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
            <span class="mds-switch__text"> Display Benchmark Returns </span>
    <div class="mds-switch">
        <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--75527">
            <input id="--75527" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
            <span class="mds-switch__text"> Allow Clients to Generate Reports </span>
    <div class="mds-switch">
        <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--8487">
            <input id="--8487" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input">
            <span class="mds-switch__text"> Display Document Manager </span>


Sizing affects the switch size, text size, and internal spacing. The default size is medium, and you can use a modifier class to make the switch smaller (mds-switch--small) or larger (mds-switch--large).


Medium (Default)


<div class="mds-switch mds-switch--small">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--30930">
        <input id="--30930" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input" checked>
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>
<div class="mds-switch mds-switch--small mds-switch--hide-label">
    <label class="mds-switch__label" for="--66282">
        <input id="--66282" type="checkbox" role="switch" class="mds-switch__input" checked>
        <span class="mds-switch__text"> Logic Mode </span>
  • When pairing switches and Forms, use the same size.


Use When

  • Turning on and off a feature, mode, or functionality.
  • Toggling elicits an immediate change in the UI.
  • Toggling elicits a change in background behavior without affecting the UI.

Don’t Use When

  • Requiring user action consent, such as accepting terms and conditions. Instead, use a Form checkbox.
  • Requesting multiple choices from a group of options. Instead, use a Form checkbox group.

Visual Language

Do describe a switch’s functionality using a short label that doesn’t change, regardless of state.
Do describe a switch’s functionality using a short label that doesn’t change, regardless of state.
Don‘t pair two labels with a switch.
Don‘t pair two labels with a switch.


Do use the same label text for both the on and off state.
Do use the same label text for both the on and off state.
Don‘t change label text between states.
Don‘t change label text between states.


  • Avoid acronyms.
  • Aim for 2 to 5 words.
  • When using a switch to control a “Mode”, make sure your modifier is specific and maps well to a user’s expectation once the switch is turned on.
    • Do: Logic Mode
    • Don't: Beast Mode


  • Include a role="switch" ARIA attribute to represent “On/Off” rather than checked/unchecked states.
  • Include role="group" for grouped switches.
  • The switch can be triggered by pressing spacebar.
  • Always include an associated label even if it is hidden from the screen.
  • If hiding label text, add aria-label to an element (i.e., section title) to further enhance accessibility.

Code Reference

CSS Class References

Applies to



At parent level, this applies base-switch styles to an element.



Adjusts styling to render a small switch.



Adjusts styling to render a large switch.



Applies hover state.



Applies active state.



Applies focus state.



Applies disabled state. To properly disable interaction with the switch, add disabled attribute to input.



Hides label text although text is still readable by screen readers.



Semantically structures a group of switches. Always include <legend> as a prelude for the switches.



Apply to a parent wrapper of a fieldset to convert switches layout from vertical to horizontal.

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