Product Name



Always use typographer’s quotes, which are more curved compared to straight quotes, more leg­i­ble on the page, and more similar to our letterforms.

Type Glyph Windows Mac Html

Single Open Quote

alt 0145

option + ]


Single Close Quote

alt 0146

option + shift + ]


Double Open Quote

alt 0147

option + [


Double Close Quote

alt 0148

option + shift + [


do use typographer's quotes.

Do use typographer's quotes.

dont use straight quotes.

Don‘t use straight quotes.

do use a single close quote for apostrophes.

Do use a single close quote for apostrophes.

dont use straight single quotes or prime symbols for apostrophes.

Don‘t use straight single quotes or prime symbols for apostrophes.


Em Dash

Use an em dash (—) to represent missing data in a data table cell, or to create pause or introduce a different clause in the middle of a sentence.

Glyph Windows Mac Html

alt 0151

option + shift + -


do use an em dash (—) in null data cells.

Do use an em dash (—) in null data cells.

dont use any other dash, like hyphen, en dash, or minus sign.

Don‘t use any other dash, like hyphen, en dash, or minus sign.

do use em dashes without spaces.

Do use em dashes without spaces.

dont put spaces around em dashes.

Don‘t put spaces around em dashes.

En Dash

Use an en dash (–) to represent a span or range of numbers.

Glyph Windows Mac Html

alt 0150

option + -


do use en dashes without spaces.

Do use en dashes without spaces.

dont put spaces around en dashes.

Don‘t put spaces around en dashes.

Minus Sign

Use the minus sign (−) to represent a negative numeric value. Hyphens and en dashes are not minus signs, using the minus sign ensures screen readers will properly identify the character. No keyboard shortcuts exist for the minus sign, instead, copy the minus sign glyph from the table below, or insert using the Mac symbols palette or Windows character palette.

Glyph Windows Mac Html




do use the minus sign (−) to represent negative values.

Do use the minus sign (−) to represent negative values.

dont use any other dash, like hyphen, en dash, or em dash.

Don‘t use any other dash, like hyphen, en dash, or em dash.

Exclamation Points

Don’t use exclamation points in our products unless you’re offering congratulations on having completed a complex flow or registration process.

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